Tuesday 29 January 2008

oral and final marks

Final marks, as posted in Secretaria Virtual - 29.1.08.

Sunday 27 January 2008

Final marks and orals

Please note:
I am checking the marks which I posted Saturday night.

Your final marks will be posted in this blog and then in the Secretaria Virtual this weekend.

Please note that each task is assessed according to the percentages given in the course outline, which you will find in this blog, posted back in September.

Marks are calculated according to the calculations across all the tasks.

Please note:
1. If you did not complete an assignment, including the presentations or debate, forum contribution, or written tasks, the final mark is reduced accordingly.

2. If your final mark is between 8 and 10.00, the exame de recurso, and indeed the melhoria is on 11th February at 14.00. You will need to register for these exams.

Check room in the department, but I think it is room 04.


Tuesday 15 January 2008

Oral presentations - Monday 21st

Because of overload on 21st due to some not presenting last Monday, could you manage to start the lesson on Monday 21st 45 minutes earlier , at 13.15, in the same room, 04?

Let me know on 16th.

Sunday 13 January 2008

Guidlines for oral presentations

Not all of these tips will apply to your presentations, but they may help to remind you of what makes a good presentation.

Terry Jones from Monty Python visits the Nova

Uma conferência com Terry Jones sobre "Barbarians" na próxima 6a feira, dia 18 de Janeiro, às 18h, no Auditório 1.

Em breve irão recebero poster informativo.